Employment Services
ACC serves refugees of varying English levels, education backgrounds, work histories and career goals. Known for being hardworking, highly motivated employees, refugee community members work with ACC staff upon arrival to prepare for jobs in the U.S. workforce. Our Employment Specialists work with employers to meet their hiring needs with our qualified refugee candidates, while also working to match the skills and experiences of each refugee candidate with a good job. Refugee community members are eligible for employment services for 5 years after arrival, and ACC takes a holistic approach towards self sufficiency.
jobs secured in FY2022.
average starting hourly wage.
of jobs retained for at least 90 days.
Benefits of Hiring a Refugee
Refugees are Work Authorized
Refugees are fully authorized to work immediately upon arrival in the United States, and their work authorization does not have an expiration date. Additionally, they have been extensively background checked before arriving in the U.S.
Diverse Skills and Experience
Refugees have a wide variety of work experience and skills. Many are well-educated and were professionals and small business owners before coming to the U.S. Their knowledge, skills, and abilities coupled with strong work ethics and willingness to learn are qualities that U.S. employers seek for their workforce. Our Job Developers work to match the skills and experiences of each refugee candidate with an appropriate job.
Tax Incentives
Your business could qualify for certain tax credits and training incentives when you employ those receiving public assistance. Contact us for more information on the Workforce Investment Act.
Excellent Work Ethic
Refugees are a resilient population. They tend to be extremely hard working, eager to learn new skills and rebuild their lives in their new city. They are motivated to achieve economic stability for their families.
ACC's Support
ACC clients participate in Cultural Orientation and Job Club where they learn the expectations of American workplace culture. Additionally, ACC helps to facilitate the hiring process, assisting with applications and new-hire paperwork as well as coordinating interviews. ACC will provide a translator when necessary. Employers are encouraged to reach out to ACC to resolve any communication issue that might arise.
Promotes Community
Hiring refugees not only assists them on their path to self-sufficiency in the United States, it adds diversity and richness to the workforce and ultimately to the community at large.